Become Healthy Now! The Ejuva Body Cleansing program is formulated specifically for the detoxification of the Alimentary canal (from your throat to your rectum), your blood, your organs, your lymphatic system and your tissue cells, while improving elimination and general well being. Since every human being has unique health requirements, the program has been designed […]
Tag Archives: Cleansing
Normally Ejuva does not participate in negative campaigns. However, there are those that specifically targeted EJUVA in a negative manner to further their cause. So we decided to inform people via this seminar who might be otherwise influenced by these peoples negative statements. We have decided to expose them for what they are, so be […]
Become Healthy Now! The Ejuva Body Cleansing program – is formulated specifically for the detoxification of the Alimentary canal (from your throat to your rectum), your blood, your organs, your lymphatic system and your tissue cells, while improving elimination and general well being. Since every human being has unique health requirements, the program has been […]
Cleansing Our Body’s Filters Are Very Inefficient For this discussion we will define herbal cleansing as when one consumes herbs for a temporary amount of time to rid the body of toxic wastes.Some experts will have you believe that our bodies have built in filters and all one must do is eat right (raw foods) […]