Tag Archives: Raw food

My Bout With Cancer

Once again, thanks for checking out our Blog! After eating mostly raw plants, doing water fasts, juice fasts, smoothies, herbal cleansing, taking whole food supplements, exercising and doing nutritional testing for nearly 18 years and being a non smoker my entire life. Not to mention years of guiding so many people through their health concerns […]


Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast Minerals are utilized by the body for virtually every function the body undergoes to maintain life; and are a intricate part of the building structure of the body. Minerals as found on earth are inorganic or dead (lacking in carbon). The addition or bonding of carbon, hydrogen, and […]

Do Detox Diets Really Work?

Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast THE BODY’S FILTERS Over the years I’ve heard many “experts” claim all one really needs to do is eat raw foods and the body’s filters will filter out the toxins and take care of itself. It’s a great thought, but it’s little more than fantasy. This is where […]

Are Mushrooms Healthy?

Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast Often I am asked if mushrooms are healthy.  Over the years I’ve seen many raw leaders pushing them, touting their superior health benefits.  I’m sure you have too.  Simply put, mushrooms contain no health benefits whatsoever; here’s why… A QUICK NOTE REGARDING MUSHROOMS Don’t get me wrong, like […]

The Magic of Enzymes

Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast The study of enzymes is probably the most studied phenomenon in all of medical science. Yet, it is one of the least discussed. What makes that statement both profound and sad is that it is enzymes that have everything to do with not only health, but life in […]

The Death of Natural Health

Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast The Political Economics of Medicine In  the mid 1800’s, the Germans began to develop drugs known as pharmaceuticals. Drug therapy quickly caught on because it granted instant relief to the patient without having to change any of the wrong doing that caused the sickness in the first place. […]

What makes a Great Cleanse?

Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast Ejuva was founded nearly 20 years ago. Back then there were few cleanses available. Cleansing was not well known and Mucoid Plaque was virtually unheard of. Since that time cleansing, like the raw food movement has exploded.  It seems everyone has jumped on the cleansing band wagon to […]

Why Some Raw Food Leaders Have Cancer

**The following is simply our belief.  It is backed by massive research and more importantly thousands of successes on the war against cancer.  It’s OK if you choose to believe otherwise.  This is our perspective regarding  the cause of most cancers. Cancer (Carcinoma, Malignancy, Neoplasm, Tumor) Cancer is the end disease of all diseases. It’s […]

Raw Food Diet

WHAT IS TOTAL HEALTH Total health is a condition of wholeness, in which every cell of the body is performing 100% of its designed function 100% of the time, and is communicating (coordinated) with every other cell of the body. This will allow for every tissue, gland and organ to carry out every function of […]