Raw Information For The Raw Food Enthusiast
First off all I’m going to say is, “Vaccines are ineffective”. In Australia and the UK vaccines are not mandatory and 50% of their populations are not vaccinated. Yet, their incidents of infectious disease are no greater then then the countries that mandate vaccines. As we go through these statistics keep in mind some of these statistics will be altered, but by third world countries that are encumbered with unsanitary and malnourished conditions. We will get back to these countries a little later. The fact is, rates of disease are the same for vaccinated countries as they are for the unvaccinated countries. With the exception of third world countries. In the USA Whooping Cough, Rubella and Measles are resurfacing after introducing programs against those diseases some 50 years ago. In the USA 72 to 98% of those that are vaccinated against measles still contract this infection. Minnesota reported 769 cases of Mumps, yet 82% of those infected had been vaccinated against mumps. This according to the Minnesota Health Dept. The New England Journal of Medicine reported Pertussis vaccines failed to protect 82% of children vaccinated against the infection. The Federal Center of Disease Control admitted that between 1973 and 1983 87% of all cases of Polio were caused by the Polio vaccine itself. From 1980 to 1989 it was 100%.
Are Vaccines Harmful?
In Australia 50% of the Aboriginal children died within 2 weeks of receiving the DPT vaccine. In 1979 Australia stopped the DPT vaccines for infants and consequently their SIDS rate dropped to virtually 0%. Meanwhile, in the USA where vaccines are mandated there are some 10,000 SIDS death per year. A study of children that were given the DPT vaccine stated that 50% of them had “Respiratory Disturbances.” Some stopped breathing all together (they were resuscitated). Sweden stopped the Whooping Cough vaccines all together. This because of reoccurring epidemics of Whooping Cough and other harmful side effects by the vaccines after the vaccines were introduced. Japan stopped all mandatory vaccines in 1974 when their government assumed all financial responsibility and other liabilities for the side effects of the vaccines. In 1950, here in the USA, before vaccines were introduced we had the 3rd lowest infant mortality rate in the world. Since the introduction of vaccines we are now 25th in the world. In the USA the greatest number of infant moralities are caused by SIDS. Our own government recognizes the risks of vaccines. In 1986 Congress passed a law called “National Vaccine Childhood Injury Act.” This requires #1~ all Dr.’s to state all the risks associated with the vaccines to their patients. #2~ Dr.s MUST report all negative reactions to the Federal Government known as the “Vaccine Event Reporting System.” The FDA states that 90% of Dr.’s do not report adverse effects of vaccines. This because they are afraid of law suites. From July 1990 – 1994 during this 3 and 1/2 year period 34,000 adverse effects were reported including 700 deaths caused by vaccines. 90% of adverse effects were not reported. The real numbers are 340,000 injuries including 7000 deaths. Plus, I believe, another 10,000 deaths due to SIDS for a total of 17,000 deaths. Our government will pay up to 250,000.00 for a death and thousands as needed for “on going treatments.” Our government paid out 522,000,000.00 the first year due to adverse effects of vaccines. In our country there are law firms that their sole practice is collecting monies from our government for “side effects” of vaccines. So, both our government and our judicial system recognize the negative effects of vaccines.
How Are Vaccines Manufactured?
You don’t want to know!!! First, to weaken the bug, they generally inject it into live tissue. This may include a chick embryo or, into the kidney of what was intended to be a beautiful, happy, and free monkey. Then the bug is removed but at this point its too weak. So, they boost it up a bit by adding some of the following. Anti biotics, disinfectants, Sodium Chloride, Sorbitol, Formaldehyde, Sodium Hydroxicate, Thermolsal (mercury), Gelatine, and so on. (all HIGHLY TOXIC to the human body) This brings up the potency, acts as a stabilizer, and acts a preservative for the bug. But, it also changes the actual bug found in nature. The first problem with vaccines is the person vaccinated can and has contracted the disease from the vaccine itself. The toxic substances added to the bug will create issues for the body which includes death. The vaccine can carry in it foreign materials from the monkey or embryo (animal tissue) when they attenuated (made weaker) the bug/microbe. Viruses from the animal itself can be in the vaccine (many think this is where AIDS was born). Flu vaccines do not work either. The virus in the vaccine is a calculated educated guess of which strain will come through in which year. So its possible to be vaccinated against something that will not show that year. This serves to weaken the immune system which makes what you do get seem MUCH stronger then if you just left things alone. In the USA alone there are quite high numbers of death due to the Flu vaccine each year. If a person is really frail and weak they are the last ones that should be vaccinated. This because the vaccine itself is a foreign invader.
Why Do Immunizations Seem Effective?
One way is to simply change the name of the disease. The Whooping Cough vaccine was touted as a miracle vaccine prior to its release in the 1950’s. It promised to wipe out the aliment. After tons of hype and money spent on the promotion of the injection. The vaccine had NO effect on the virus. What did they do? They changed the name of Whooping Cough to Carapurcussis. They then claimed Whooping Cough as cured but they now need a new vaccine for this new disease. When the Polio vaccine proved to be ineffective against the disease they changed the name of polio to A -septic- meningitis. Another reason vaccines seem effective is the fact that 90% of adverse effects are not reported. There are no studies that prove vaccinated individuals get over their infections faster then those that are who were not vaccinated. In fact, the opposite is true. If an epidemic is left alone it will rise, then peak, then fall. If you introduce your vaccine after the disease peaks you get to claim credit for the fall. There are many that fall for this trick. I believe the greatest contributor for fighting infectious disease is cleanliness. Placing our sewers under ground, washing our hands, clothes, dishes, pots, pans and the proper disposing of our trash has contributed more to fighting disease then any vaccine. You see, Pasture tried to grow bacteria on fruit. But, it did not work! It took what amounts to in layman’s terms, rotting soup (on accident) to grow the bacteria. Bugs are scavengers, two things must be true for them to thrive. One, the tissue must be weakened. Secondly, the proper food must be present for them to proliferate. How do we promote an environment for them to thrive? How about our own diet? All the toxins found in the SAD diet both damages our tissues and provides foods for the bugs. There was a contemporary of Pasture named Claude Bernard. I personally believe he was more qualified then Pasture. He studied Pastures findings intensely and said, ” Pasture, what you are saying is flies cause garbage! “Barnard, with whom I agree, believed the bug is not the problem. I can swab anyone’s throat that is reading this letter. I would find at least 12 potentially death causing diseases in our body’s at all times. It’s the healthy body that’s able to hold them in check. It’s the toxic, weakened body that allows the bug to thrive. If the trash cans are clean and new, will the flies thrive or, look for a another place to thrive? When we think of physical preparedness, or the lack thereof, as the reason for contagions, all of a sudden the idea of contagions is not so scary. In other words, we have a choice in this, we are not merely unlucky victims.
How Do We Protect Ourselves?
- Diet ( all of you reading this are raw fooders, you know what I mean by diet)
- Supplements, especially probiotics, they will build your immune system in a hurry. Ejuva’s Molflora is one of the best! To know which nutrients you are deficient, which is indicative of which disease you are susceptible, check out Ejuva’s Health by Mail Program.
- Juicing, lots of it!
- Fasting
- Cleansing, parasites/yeast/toxins/heavy metals (Ejuva’s cleanse are truly among the very best!)
- Exercise
- Sunshine
- Good attitude/ eliminate stress
In other words, the same things you want to do all the time as a raw fooder I believe is our best protection to build our body’s vitality. Not only are vaccines ineffective but ALL have associated risks. The building of our immune system is NOT 100% guaranteed against disease. But it is for sure more effective then vaccines, and contains no risks. All 50 states allow us to opt out of vaccines though they lead you to believe otherwise.
If you still feel you must vaccinate your children, animals or yourself at least wait until your child is 2 years old. This because the human immune system is not fully developed until aged 2. In fact, Japan quit vaccinating till that age due to our statistics. If traveling abroad you can go the the CDC.gov website and there are 2 categories of vaccines. One category is “recommended vaccines” those are to be avoided. The “required” category cannot be avoided. Those that follow my recommendations come back saying they faired better then their counterparts who actually received the vaccines, especially if its a 3rd world country. I recommend that you keep track of your/children’s childhood diseases as this can be used as an immunization record. In closing I’d like to quote a mentor of mine “The only thing I know about vaccines is what the FDA tells me, and they’re liars!”.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding vaccines, nutritional testing, or cleansing. We can be reached at [email protected] or (866) GO EJUVA (463 5882)